Pirate Party To Hire Across All Of Sweden

The Swedish Pirate Party has long claimed that the copyright industry’s statistics about lost revenue are made up. However, the party has discovered that the sums are real and significant. With the saved funds, the party has plans for hiring and buying a vacation resort.

— I’m happy to announce that we are hiring more than six million people, says Anna Troberg, party leader for the Swedish Pirate Party. With our strengthened economy, we are looking forward to securing civil liberties in Sweden and elsewhere with all our new colleagues.

This is an official press release from the Swedish Pirate Party, duplicated here for exposure. The authenticity can be verified by going to the Pirate Party’s Press Center.

It was pure chance that led to the discovery that the copyright industry’s claimed losses, far exceeding the gross domestic product of the entire planet, might actually be accurate. The party has previously claimed that money can’t appear out of nowhere.

— We are happy to create all these new jobs in a very direct manner, says Troberg. It turned out that you only have to let two computers at home copy music and movies between one another, back and forth, and several million euros will appear in the bank account every hour. Apparently, this money has previously gone to the copyright industry.

— With the help of thousands of members who are copying music between their laptop and stationary computer, we are able to generate quite a bit more than the gross domestic product, says Troberg. This gives us a very strong economy.

The Pirate Party intends to treat its new employees very well, and will provide complimentary spas abroad:

— We’re getting some spare change after employing the entire Swedish workforce, says Troberg. We are thinking of buying a vacation resort while we’re at it. Like Switzerland.

Rick Falkvinge

Rick is the founder of the first Pirate Party and a low-altitude motorcycle pilot. He lives on Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany, roasts his own coffee, and as of right now (2019-2020) is taking a little break.


  1. Roberto Moretti (@robskemoretti) (@robskemoretti)

    RT @Falkvinge: on #infopolicy: Pirate Party To Hire Across All Of Sweden http://goo.gl/fb/XKPBM

  2. Samir Allioui (@SamirAllioui)

    RT @LozKaye: Pirate Party conceedes that music industry lobby right all along about lost revenue & now plans to hire 6 million. http://goo.gl/fb/XKPBM

  3. jeroendoorn (@jeroendoorn)

    RT @LozKaye: Pirate Party conceedes that music industry lobby right all along about lost revenue & now plans to hire 6 million. http://goo.gl/fb/XKPBM

  4. Lennart Lindgård

    May I suggest a term for this application of the new economy, initially established by the copyright industry:
    Copyright Economics – The Art of REAL Money-Making.
    This can be applied, not only by underfinanced political parties, but also by poor private persons, corporations on the downfall and countries that had their economy destroyed by American banks. It could solve all financial crisis imaginable on the planet in one stroke!
    This is such a brilliant idea that the next Economics Nobel Prize should be shared between the Copyright Industry and the Pirate Party.
    May I also suggest a small fast portable unit with two hard disks that could perform the copying locally back and forth within the same unit to create money on the fly when you find yourself a bit short on cash in everyday situations.

  5. Kurt

    Ha ha ha!

  6. Núria Fustier (@nfustier) (@nfustier) (@nfustier)

    Pirate Party To Hire Across All Of Sweden http://t.co/Bq3qel1

  7. Remco van Bree (@blikkie)

    RT @LozKaye: Pirate Party conceedes that music industry lobby right all along about lost revenue & now plans to hire 6 million. http://goo.gl/fb/XKPBM

  8. RT @falkvinge Pirate Party To Hire Across All Of Sweden http://is.gd/fxOl4J #infopolicy

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